Appendix A PROV-DM

Hi Luc,
Suggested renaming for title of Appendix A: "Mappings to PROV-O and PROV-N"
to "Cross-references to PROV-O and PROV-N".

Also the second sentence "The following table contains a normative mapping
of PROV-DM concepts to PROV-O classes and properties, as described in
[PROV-O], and to PROV-N productions, as described in [PROV-N]."

can be rewritten as:

"The following table contains the PROV-O classes and properties, as
described in [PROV-O], and PROV-N productions, as described
in [PROV-N] that correspond to PROV-DM concepts."

Hope this helps.



Received on Thursday, 12 July 2012 15:41:16 UTC