Re: Pre-last-call review of PROV-O

Thanks, Graham.

I've added your comments to the pile at


p.s. Tracker, this is ISSUE 444

On Jul 9, 2012, at 10:55 AM, Graham Klyne wrote:

> All,
> I've just read through PROV-O, and generally I like the overall structure and approach.  There are a few (editorial) points you might wish to consider in preparing for last call:
> (1) would it be possible for term names to be included in the table of contents?  I found some aspects the document could be difficult to navigate/cross-reference in printed form.
> (2) is there a defined correspondence between the ontology terms and PROV-DM? Maybe a table as an appendix?
> (3) In sections 4.1/4.2, I found a few descriptions that look like cut-and-paste leftovers:  prov:wasAttributedTo, prov:wasDerivedFrom, prov:alternateOf, prov:generatedAtTime, prov:hadmember.
> (4) In section 4.3, there are some repeated headings+content that seem, well, pointless:
>   prov-dm: prov-dm
>   prov-n: prov-n
>   prov-constraints: prov-constraints
> I assume this is an artefact of the document generation process.
> I have some more detailed comments that may be considered before or after last call:
> 1. Introduction.
> "defines the normative OWL 2 ontology" - I think it's the definition that's normative, not the ontology.  Suggest drop the word "normative"
> "PROV-O conforms to the OWL-RL profile" - I think a citation fort OWL-RL would be appropriate here.
> "Starting point classes and properties" - I note that elsewhere we now refer to these as "Core structures".  I think "starting point" is OK, but it might be helpful to readers to align usage?
> 3.1 Starting point terms
> para 4: "to provide some ordering information" - I found the choice of term "ordering" a little strange - isn't what is being described here "dependency" information?
> papas 4,5:  references to "not interesting" - I'm thinking that the activities/entities concerned may be just "not known".
> 3.2 Expanded terms
> Para 5:  Staring from "It is important to note that...".  I found this very hard to understand, potentially contradictory, and I'm not sure if I entirely agree with it.  I would suggest either dropping this, or radically simplifying the paragraph; e.g.
> [[
> A prov:Bundle is a named set of provenance descriptions, which may itself have provenance. The named provenance descriptions may be expressed as PROV-O or in some other form.
> ]]
> Para 9 ("The fourth category..."):  why the two exceptions prov:generated and prov:invalidated to the not-defining-inverse principle? (The reason given doesn't seem adequate to me.)
> Para 13: ("However, immediately after ..."):  typo "inmediately"
> Para 14: ("Shortly after Derek's..."):  the use here of "ex:monica" as a noun, so closely following use of "Derek" seems, at best, inconsistent.  Suggest "Monica".
> 3.3: Qualified terms
> I appreciate this is a tricky topic to explain, especially all in words, but I found it really hard going, even though the basic idea is quite easy to understand.  I think a diagram immediately following the first paragraph (along the lines of those that appear later in fig 3) to illustrate the idea would make a great difference.
> Also, I think the choice of example didn't held, as it's not so easy to remember that "Association" is between an agent and an activity - there are no clues in the choice of word.  By comparison, "Usage" as relating an activity and an entity is much easier to remember, so I think an example based on that would be easier to follow.
> Para 2: (immediately following table 2):  This was hard to follow, and seems to me to be in the  wrong place as it's quite divorced from the document parts it actually describes.  I think it would be more useful to introduce this (with a back-ref to this section) at the start of section 4 where it's much closer to the occurrences of what it describes.
> Para 5: (following second example):  I find the use of normative language here to be inappropriate, and verges on dictating application design.  I argue that it is quite correct and acceptable for an implementer to use qualified or unqualified forms as they choose, and that a consuming application should be prepared to recognize either form.  I think it is reasonable to explain the consequences of using the available choices, and suggesting an approach to encourage consistency, but I wouldn't go beyond that.  Suggest that SHOULD and SHOULD NOT here be replaced by non-normative, more descriptive language.
> If there's anything that I think should be normative here, it is that consuming applications SHOULD recognize both qualified and unqualified forms, and treat the qualified form as implying the unqualified form.  (I think this would be the most effective invocation of the Postel principle.)
> 4.2 Expanded terms
> Class prov:Bundle:  is the notion of provenance *of an entity* actually described anywhere?  (As opposed to provenance that is "about entities, activities and people".
> This is maybe a bit picky, and is a wider issue than just prov:Bundle, but it's the phrasing here that made me ask the question.  I wonder if it wouldn't help to be clear that we all understand the same thing for "provenance of an entity".
> Further down, the paragraph starting "Note that there are kinds of accounts...".  It seems to me this is a statement of what should already be entirely obvious - I think it has greater potential to confuse than clarify.  Suggest dropping this.
> Class prov:Organization:  "social institutions" - I think is either tautological or incorrect, depending on how one understand "social" here (in the current climate, I regard many companies as being distinctly *anti*-social).  Suggest drop "social" here - I think it's unnecessary.
> Property prov:hadPrimarySource:  Text further down refers to "An original source..." - I think this should (now) be "A primary source...".
> Property prov:invalidatedAtTime:  "...began to be invalidated" reads oddly to me.  Suggest just "...was invalidated" (as once the invalidation process has started, the essential conditions of being invalidated are already satisfied).
> Property prov:value:  I suspect this has already been extensively discussed, but I wanted to question this being a *functional* property.  That would exclude, for example, giving equivalent integer and floating values for an entity.
> But, maybe more fundamentally, is there any specified way to express a value that is itself denoted by a URI?  In OWL terms, this needs an object property. It's OK if ther4e's no such way, as one can always introduce new properties, but it seems odd to me that data values are OK but other values are not.
> prov:wasStartedBy:  "The activity did not exist...".  I've come across this phrase several times in reading the PROV documents, and each time find it a bit odd.  I would find something like "the activity was not in progress..." to be less jarring.  (Activities start and stop, rather than winking in an d out of existence.)  It's just a nit, not a big deal.
> Property prov:hasAnchor:  I have a suggestion to drop this from PROV-AQ, as its intended use is now covered by prov:specializationOf.  Maybe should be marked "at risk"?
> B. Names of inverse properties
> Para 1: I count *two* exceptions, not just one (used and invalidated)
> Para 1, final sentence "This extra effort must be avoided".  I don't agree - the extra effort may be just what is needed (or I don't understand what is being suggested).  Suggest drop this sentence.
> Also, again, why the two exceptions?
> Para 4:  "...they may be motivated to assert the inverse of...".  I don't think "asserting" the inverse is a problem here.  It's defining a new symbol for it. Suggest "...they may be motivated to introduce an inverse property name for..."
> ...
> End of comments.
> #g
> --

Received on Monday, 9 July 2012 15:00:40 UTC