PROV-ISSUE-364 (collection-constraints-bugs): Collection constraint has wrong syntax for memberOf [prov-dm-constraints]

PROV-ISSUE-364 (collection-constraints-bugs): Collection constraint has wrong syntax for memberOf [prov-dm-constraints]

Raised by: Stian Soiland-Reyes
On product: prov-dm-constraints says:

The following descriptions

  derivedByInsertionFrom(c, c1, {("k1", e1)})
  derivedByRemovalFrom(c, c2, {"k2"})
have no interpretation. Nor have the following:
  derivedByInsertionFrom(c, c1, {("k1", e1)})
  memberOf(c, {"k2"}).

The last line should be:
  memberOf(c, {("k2", e2)})

..adding the entity and removing the dot.

Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2012 08:27:03 UTC