PROV-ISSUE-354 (all-or-nothing-for-optional-arguments): Adopt an all-or-nothing approach to optional positional arguments [prov-n]

PROV-ISSUE-354 (all-or-nothing-for-optional-arguments): Adopt an all-or-nothing approach to optional positional arguments [prov-n]

Raised by: James Cheney
On product: prov-n

> However, the grammar may not be systematic enough (a comment that Paolo made).
> Also, for instance, it forces us to have t or - for time in generation.

Treating the "positional" optional arguments in the all-or-nothing way (which wasDerivedFrom and others already do) would fix this, while allowing short forms of wasGeneratedBy and friends.  Right now, they are treated in an "all-or-all" way that seems incompatible with many examples

Received on Thursday, 19 April 2012 14:15:19 UTC