Re: PROV-ISSUE-342 (location-of-usage): prov:location is an optional attribute of entity and activity - others okay? [prov-dm]


On Apr 11, 2012, at 12:30 AM, Luc Moreau wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> I don't think there has been suggestion that the location attribute applies to other classes. You are making a good case for usage and generation.


> What else?

I would be happy with just adding Usage and Generation. It covers the cases that I can think of.

> Everything? Note sure this works for Quotation, OriginalSource, Attribution, Association, Responsibility ….

None of these make sense upon a cursory consideration.

However, part of my question was:

>> Is it acceptable to view the DM's current statement as non-restrictive?

So, even if you do add Usage and Generation to the list with Entitiy and Activity, can someone conformant-ly put a location on something else?


> Professor Luc Moreau
> Electronics and Computer Science
> University of Southampton 
> Southampton SO17 1BJ
> United Kingdom
> On 10 Apr 2012, at 22:58, "Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker" <> wrote:
>> PROV-ISSUE-342 (location-of-usage): prov:location is an optional attribute of entity and activity - others okay? [prov-dm]
>> Raised by: Timothy Lebo
>> On product: prov-dm
>> prov:location
>> states:
>> "The attribute prov:location is an optional attribute of entity and activity. "
>> does this imply that it is NOT an attribute of any other class?
>> I imagine that it might be useful to specify the location of a usage, which would be more specific than the location of the using activity. e.g., "The party happened at Sarah's. The cake was cut with a knife in the kitchen." To mention "kitchen" for the usage, prov:location seems natural.
>> Is it acceptable to view the DM's current statement as non-restrictive?
>> Thanks,
>> Tim

Received on Wednesday, 11 April 2012 19:48:06 UTC