Re: Prov-o call on Monday 12:00noon US ET

On 24/10/2011 15:44, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 12:07, Luc Moreau<>  wrote:
>> That's exactly the point, time is associated with generation/use, not
>> entities.
> But as we have not (as of yet) made a deliberate n-ary relationship
> Generation or Use class in PROV-O - so prov:wasGeneratedAt is
> associated with an Entity (as it can only be generated once within an
> account) and prov:assumedRoleAt with an EntityInRole (as it can only
> be prov:wasASsumedBy one Entity).
> To be fair this is not a direct mapping with PROV-DM, because it would
> allow the same entity-in-role to be prov:used by two different PEs -
> the prov:assumedRoleAt would only record time of the first such use.
> On the other hand a PE could actually be using the entity several
> times, and we don't have a way to record each of these unless we do it
> as separate roles each time. (And still can't capture the duration of
> the use)
 From my understanding that is not the case. If the same entity is used 
twice by two different process executions or by the same process 
execution, then we will have to create two EntityInRole(s) each 
associated with a different role.

For example consider an entity e that is used by a process execution p 
such that the role of e w.r.t. p is  r, and let p' be another process 
execution that uses e such that the role of e w.r.t. p' is r'.

Using prov-o, we will have two entityinRoles that represent the entity e 
but with different roles. Consider that these entityinroles are er and 
er'. er and er' will have as properties the characterizing attributes of 
e. Additionally, er (resp. er') will have the role property r (resp. r').



Received on Monday, 24 October 2011 15:38:03 UTC