Re: Prov-o call on Monday 12:00noon US ET

>> - Entities do not have time associated with them
> That's really an issue with PROV-DM, not PROV-O. Entities are here
> described by characterisation intervals, which seems quite central to
> an entity, but how to express those are not clarified in PROV-DM.
> Likewise we don't say much about this in PROV-O.

Hi Stian,
That's exactly the point, time is associated with generation/use, not 
> We know that the start of an entity is when it is generated
> (prov:wasGeneratedAt in PROV-O) - but don't know when it ceased to
> exist. (There's no prov:wasDestroyedAt or prov:wasDestroyedBy)
> (Just to get started with something experimentally) I made
> prov:wasGeneratedAt a subproperty of time:hasBeginning - this
> implicitly makes a prov:Entity a time:TemporalEntity (either a
> time:Instant or a time:Interval) - but expressing anything more about
> this interval (such as when it ends or which other entities it
> overlaps) is outside the current scope of PROV, and this is not
> elaborated in the PROV-O document.

Professor Luc Moreau
Electronics and Computer Science   tel:   +44 23 8059 4487
University of Southampton          fax:   +44 23 8059 2865
Southampton SO17 1BJ               email:
United Kingdom           

Received on Monday, 24 October 2011 11:08:04 UTC