Re: concept illustrations for the data journalism example


I am happy with the example; and it seems to be useful in illustrating 
provenance-related concepts.
I have a minor comment. In the example outline, it is mentioned that Bob 
the blogger spots an error by looking at the chart produced by Alice.
This action has not been reported in the processing steps. Was that 
intentional? Do you think that such an action is not relevant from 
provenance point of view.

Thanks, khalid

On 12/05/2011 15:07, Jun Zhao wrote:
> Hi,
> For what's worth, OPMV ( represents time 
> information using concepts from the W3C Time ontology.
> The range of opmv:wasPerformedAt is a time:TemporalEntity, which can 
> be either a time:Instant or time:Interval. The model decision is based 
> on requirements from users. And properties opmv:wasStartedAt and 
> opmv:wasEndedAt can be used to point to a time instant.
> The vocabulary also has terms to describe when an artifact was used or 
> generated at a specific time instant.
> This is just to add another aspect of modeling opinion:)
> For those heard of OPMV for the first time, OPMV is an OWL-DL ontology 
> based on OPM, but it is trying to be as lightweight as possible.
> cheers,
> Jun
> On 12/05/2011 13:05, Olaf Hartig wrote:
>> Hey
>> (sorry, I messed something up with the email addresses - I sent some 
>> mails to
>> the old XG list - it should be fixed now)
>> On Thursday 12 May 2011 13:42:30 Luc Moreau wrote:
>>> Olaf and Paul,
>>> [...]
>>> Time is important no doubt, and not made explicit in the scenario.
>>> What does it mean to be performedAt? Time at which process execution
>>> took place?
>> In the Provenance Vocabulary prv:performedAt is a possible property of a
>> prv:Execution (representing the completed execution of a process). Thus,
>> yes, prv:performedAt refers to the time at which the execution took 
>> place.
>>> Is it instaneous?
>> The rdfs:range of prv:performedAt is xsd:dateTime. Hence, it is 
>> instaneous.
>> And (before you ask ;)  we always understood this instant to refer to 
>> the
>> point in time when the execution completed - we should make that more
>> explicit in the documentation.
>>> has it a duration?
>> The Provenance Vocabulary has nothing for durations.
>>> Is it the time at which
>>> the DataItem
>>> is produced?
>> If the prv:Execution is a prv:DataCreation and the prv:DataItem has been
>> prv:createdBy that, then yes.
>> Olaf
>>> Can we express these questions and answer them independently of a
>>> terminology?
>>> Luc

Received on Thursday, 12 May 2011 15:21:11 UTC