Re: concept illustrations for the data journalism example


> That's exactly the kind of questions we should discuss in the "Provenance
> Access and Query Task Force". You find a first outline of the different
> possibilities to make provenance information available on the Web, including
> pros and cons, in Section 6 of the Provenance XG Final Report [1].

I have already read the report in order to get up to date regarding the 
group and from my point of view "Passing by value" option is not 
feasible. I totally agree with your suggestion of creating a defined 
graph containing provenance information, the syntax of  the graph URI 
could be identified by the working groupin the Provenance Access and 
Query Task Force.


Iker Huerga Sánchez
Co-Founder, LINKatu
Polo de Innovación Garaia
Goiru, 1. Edificio A, 4º Piso
20500 Arrasate - Gipuzkoa
T+34 943 712 072 F+34 943 712 223

Received on Thursday, 12 May 2011 12:00:03 UTC