PROV-ISSUE-34: Section 4: definition of "Agent"

PROV-ISSUE-34: Section 4: definition of "Agent"

Raised by: Khalid Belhajjame
On product: 

According to the definition in the Provenance Model initial draft "An agent represents a characterized entity capable of activity".

My interpretation of this definition is that "an agent is a BOB". If that is the case, then one of the consequences is that we may need to associate a given process execution with multiple Agents that refer to the same human (system). To illustrate this, consider a long running process execution that is controlled by Alice, and consider that one of the attribute characterizing Alice, e.g., grade,  changed, e.g., she was promoted, in that case, we will need to create a new BOB (that characterizes Alice) and associate it with the running process execution. Are we happy with this?


Received on Thursday, 21 July 2011 18:58:57 UTC