Re: PROV-ISSUE-32: Bob definition [Conceptual Model]

Agreed with your suggestions Khalid.
I would just avoid the word 'use' in the phrasing, given its occurrence 
in the spec.


On 21/07/2011 19:49, Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> PROV-ISSUE-32: Bob definition [Conceptual Model]
> Raised by: Khalid Belhajjame
> On product: Conceptual Model
> The definition of Bob states that
> "A BOB assertion is about a characterized entity, whose situation in the world is variant. A BOB assertion is made at a particular point and is invariant, in the sense that all the attributes are assigned a value as part of that assertion."
> I suggest to modify the definition as follows:
> "A BOB assertion is about a characterized entity, whose situation in the world *may be* variant. A BOB assertion is made at a particular point and is invariant, in the sense that *the attributes used to characterize the BOB* are assigned a value as part of that assertion."
> "is variant" ->  "may be variant": there may be situations in which a given entity has only one characterization which spans the life time of that entity.
> "all attributes" ->  "the attributes that characterize the BOB" or "the attributes associated with the BOB": this is to avoid people thinking that we have complete knowledge of all possible attribute that can be used to characterize the BOB.
> Khalid

Received on Thursday, 21 July 2011 18:57:53 UTC