Re: PROV-ISSUE-143 (Tlebo): Qualifiers - why does order matter? [Data Model]

Thanks for closing it. I forgot to.

Thanks for notifying me that you closed an issue that I had raised.


On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:31 AM, Luc Moreau wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> This issue is now formally closed, since we have adopted attribute-value sets.
> Regards,
> Luc
> On 11/22/2011 02:23 PM, Paolo Missier wrote:
>> works for me!
>> -Paolo
>> On 11/7/11 10:29 PM, Luc Moreau wrote:
>>> Hi Tim and Paolo,
>>> What about "A qualifier is a set of name-value pairs ..."
>>> I propose to close this issue, unless you state otherwise.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Luc
>>> On 07/11/11 08:26, Paolo Missier wrote:
>>>> I don't think they should have an order
>>>> -Paolo
>>>> On 11/6/11 1:27 AM, Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
>>>>> PROV-ISSUE-143 (Tlebo): Qualifiers - why does order matter? [Data Model]
>>>>> Raised by: Timothy Lebo
>>>>> On product: Data Model
>>>>> Qualifiers are defined as having order. Why do they need to be ordered?
>>>>> 5.5.1 Qualifier
>>>>> "A qualifier is an ordered list of name-value pairs, used to qualify
>>>>> use expressions, generation expressions and control expressions."
>>>>> 6. PROV-DM Extensibility Points
>>>>> "Qualifiers offer a mechanism to describe modalities of use,
>>>>> generation, and control They consist of ordered sequence of
>>>>> name-value pairs."
> -- 
> Professor Luc Moreau
> Electronics and Computer Science   tel:   +44 23 8059 4487
> University of Southampton          fax:   +44 23 8059 2865
> Southampton SO17 1BJ               email:
> United Kingdom           

Received on Saturday, 3 December 2011 00:55:12 UTC