- From: <Simon.Cox@csiro.au>
- Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2017 07:21:54 +0000
- To: <olaf.hartig@liu.se>
- CC: <public-prov-comments@w3.org>, <L.Svensson@dnb.de>
Well at least I understood the proposal enough to catch that limitation! (I think it also applies to classical reification anyway). I agree that you can always model your way out of the problem, and that this is generally the best solution. Simon -----Original Message----- From: Olaf Hartig [mailto:olaf.hartig@liu.se] Sent: Wednesday, 11 October, 2017 18:54 To: Cox, Simon (L&W, Clayton) <Simon.Cox@csiro.au> Cc: public-prov-comments@w3.org; L.Svensson@dnb.de Subject: Re: How to attach a prov graph to an RDF Triple? Hi Simon, No, with RDF* it is not possible to _directly_ annotate the same triple with multiple separate groups of metadata. That is the only limitation of RDF* in comparison to RDF reification, singleton properties, and single-triple named graphs. However, I do not think that this is a real problem. It is always possible to model such cases by introducing a proxy resource for every group of metadata. In the PROV case this happens automatically because the PROV activities are such type of proxies. For instance, for the triple (:bob, foaf:age, 23), you may have (in Turtle*): <<:bob foaf:age 23>> prov:wasGeneratedBy exc:gen1 . exc:gen1 rdf:type prov:Activity . ...and now all the information about how the triple was generated can be captured in terms of the activity exc:gen1. If the same triple, (:bob, foaf:age, 23), was generated again, you may simply do: <<:bob foaf:age 23>> prov:wasGeneratedBy exc:gen2 . exc:gen2 rdf:type prov:Activity . ...and use activity exc:gen2 to capture all the information about this second way of generating the triple. A similar modeling approach can be used for the isMarriedTo example that you refer to. I should mention, however, that in my opinion this example in the singleton properties paper is a misleading example of bad modeling practice, because it mixes metadata about the triple(s) and additional statements about the relationship represented by the triple. I mean, some of the predicates that they mention are metadata (hasSource, extractedOn, hasScore), whereas the others are not (hasStart, hasEnd, tookPlaceAt). The metadata ones can be combined via proxy resources as I mentioned above, and for modeling the non-metadata ones it would be better to replace the single triple by multiple triples that talk about a marriage entity (with bride, groom, start, end, etc). Best, Olaf On Wed, 2017-10-11 at 05:00 +0000, Simon.Cox@csiro.au wrote: > That's interesting Olaf. > Does it accommodate the case from the original singleton property proposal https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4350149/ where there can be more than one triple with the same object, predicate and subject, with different metadata? > (T1: BobDylan isMarriedTo#1 SaraLownds, and > T5: BobDylan isMarriedTo#2 SaraLownds. ) > > Simon Cox > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Olaf Hartig [mailto:olaf.hartig@liu.se] > Sent: Wednesday, 11 October, 2017 06:58 > To: public-prov-comments@w3.org > Cc: Svensson, Lars <L.Svensson@dnb.de> > Subject: Re: How to attach a prov graph to an RDF Triple? > > Hi Lars, > > There is another approach that we are currently working on. It goes by > the name RDF* and SPARQL*. The basic idea is to allow for nesting of > triples and, similarly, nesting of triple patterns in queries. Find a > short, 4-pages description of the proposal and of our initial results > in the following > document: > > http://olafhartig.de/files/Hartig_ISWC2017_RDFStarPosterPaper.pdf > > The document also includes pointers to more detailed documents. > > Let me know if you have any questions about it. > > Best, > Olaf > > > On tisdag 10 oktober 2017 kl. 12:59:10 CEST Svensson, Lars wrote: > > Dear all, > > > > This might be a question that has been asked before, but I couldn't > > find anything in the list archives. Please just direct me to the > > previous discussion, should there be one. > > > In my application I want to make assertions about a specific triple > > in my RDF graph. The creation of the provenance graph is fairly > > straightforward, but I'm still at odds how to attach the provenance > > graph to the triple. So far I've found two ways of doing this: > 1) Reifying the triple and then > > attach the provenance graph to the rdf:Statement. 2) Creating named > > graphs (possibly one per triple) and attach the provenance graph to > > the graph identifier. > > Are there any other ways or best practices on how to do this? > > > > Thanks for any insight, > > > > Lars > > > > *** Lesen. Hören. Wissen. Deutsche Nationalbibliothek *** > > -- > > Dr. Lars G. Svensson > > Deutsche Nationalbibliothek > > Informationsinfrastruktur > > Adickesallee 1 > > 60322 Frankfurt am Main > > Telefon: +49 69 1525-1752 > > Telefax: +49 69 1525-1799 > > mailto:l.svensson@dnb.de > > http://www.dnb.de > > > > > > > >
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