[rda-researchdataprov-ig] CFP - AGU Fall Meeting session on "Provenance of geoscience data and things"

Dear Colleagues

Please consider submitting an abstract for the session "Provenance of Geoscience Data and Things" at the AGU Fall Meeting in Sen Francisco, December 2016: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm16/preliminaryview.cgi/Session12948 . The session description is:

Transparency and reproducibility are fundamental to credible scientific research, and apply to all components of any research workflow including physical samples, sampling techniques, analytical practices, code, data processing methods, etc. The common provenance specifications (e.g., W3C PROV, OPM, Provenir)  provide a framework for formal description of the origin and derivation of any earth and space science assets. This session seeks papers describing applications of the specifications in earth and space sciences, covering both the conventional application to data products and reports, but also applications to real things (e.g., instruments and physical samples) and chain of custody. Topics of interest are provenance representation, storage and query, related tools, services and datasets, extensions/profiles of provenance standards, and use cases of provenance in Earth and space sciences.

We have confirmed the following session keynotes:
                Carina Kemp<http://www.ga.gov.au/news-events/events/public-talks/public-talks-archive/the-virtual-geophysics-laboratory-contributing-to-the-high-performance-computing-evolution> - Geoscience Australia
                Yolanda Gil<http://www.isi.edu/~gil/> - USC

Deadline for submissions is 3rd August.

Please distribute this invitation to your networks.

Simon Cox, Stephan Zednik, Anusuriya Devaraju, Lesley Wyborn - co-convenors.

Simon J D Cox
Research Scientist
Environmental Informatics
Land and Water<http://www.csiro.au/en/Research/LWF>

E simon.cox@csiro.au T +61 3 9545 2365 M +61 403 302 672
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Received on Saturday, 9 July 2016 05:35:28 UTC