Preparing for Pingbacks [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Hi all,

A couple of Australian government science organisations are about to start communicating provenance information via pingbacks as outlined in PROV-AQ ( and, if things work, we will extend to an international trial. We will also trial an extension to PROV-AQ which allows for the transferal of RDF documents of provenance information, rather than just links to resources or to query services.

In readiness for this, I've made a pingbacks message validator service here: that any of you could try out and a PROV-AQ message generator here:

For both the validator and generator, only PROV-AQ messages are supported for the moment but I'm building up the requirements for the extended bundle messages right now.

I'm interested in anyone wishing to test PROV-AQ messaging using either the generator and/or the validator and people's thoughts on the proposal to send RDF bundles in pingbacks too.



Nicholas Car
Data Architect
Geoscience Australia
02 6249 9093  |  0466 409 376

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Received on Saturday, 2 July 2016 14:20:20 UTC