Re: Hands-on PROV tutorial

Hi Paul,

This is a great collection of resources! Well done!

Do you have a specific deadline for submission of new tools? I am in the process of updating my proq tool for PROV query generation. I will need another day or two for the new release.

And what is the summer school that you are talking about?



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On 24 Aug 2014, at 18:45, "Paul Groth" <<>> wrote:

Hi All,

I've put together a tutorial for provenance for the summer school available here:

The interesting thing about this tutorial is that  a complete Vagrant VM is provided with most of the tools you need to work with PROV.

If you'd like to see your tool included or have some suggestions for additions.

Let me know,

Received on Tuesday, 26 August 2014 09:04:34 UTC