Re: No quorum

And, I didn't just try joining the call because I didn't see a calendar
email when I looked at around 10:58 Boston time!

FYI: I have Irfan's request under advisement. Matthew and I will look at
the consensus draft msg to see whether we have any edits to propose.
It's on our coordination agenda for Tuesday, so more news later this
week on that.

PS: I finally updated my git clone of our repository and am trying to
find the file in there just now to review it myself. The CLI is still my
favorite tool! :)


Paul Grenier writes:
> Sorry for the lack of proper communication. I clicked the "update" button
> on our meeting invite last night but since I didn't change the agenda from
> the standard one, it didn't send out an invite. I'll figure out a better
> way going forward.
> There was a good suggestion from Sara/Mark about a separate draft letter to
> AT vendors who have more investment in voice generation over a voice pack
> made elsewhere. I think this makes sense and look forward to their
> collaboration on a separate draft letter.
> Lastly, as a group, we need to create a way to coordinate contacts with AT
> vendors that does not inundate a vendor with multiple contacts from our TF.
> We need to allow enough time for responses and (in some cases) the internal
> routing of the request that will happen. This needs to be done without
> sharing, publicly, anyone's private email or their professional
> affiliations if that's not public knowledge. Bring ideas for next week's
> meeting.
> Thanks!
> *--*
> *Paul Grenier*


Janina Sajka (she/her/hers)
Accessibility Consultant

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Linux Foundation Fellow

Received on Monday, 13 February 2023 17:30:53 UTC