Alan Reeve
Ali, Irfan
- Agenda: Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2020-21-10
- Joint meeting with APA at TPAC
- Joint meeting with APA at TPAC
- Joint meeting with APA at TPAC
- No Pronunciation Tele-conference call tomorrow Wednesday, October 14, 2020
- Agenda: Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2020-10-07
Dyer, Dee
- Re: Agenda: Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2020-21-10
- RE: Agenda: Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2020-10-07
Janina Sajka
- Tuesday TPAC Session for Pronunciation
- Re: Joint meeting with APA at TPAC
- Pronunciation TF Mtg with W3C's TAG Confirmed for Friday