Re: Input on threat model from browser privacy summit slides

Nala Ginrut wrote on 20/02/2020 13:52:
> Hi Maciej Stachowiak and all contributors!
> Thanks for all the work!
> I'd like to share some comments here:
> 1. "Benign information disclosure..system preferences [like dark mode]"
> Do we really care about that someone may know what theme we are using?
While avoiding saying outright that this is the case here ... *If* it is 
a way of fingerprinting or identifying, when used with a combination of 
other accessibility related changes in the browser,
that the person may have a disability. Then I would say yes.

Many will use dark mode, just because they like it and not have any 
accessibility need, and they may not stick out from the herd etc but 
this information when used in conjunction with other unique 
configuration settings such as a larger font site, particular font 
usage/symbol sets etc may be used to identify users with disabilities.

My 2 cents, thanks.


Emerging Web Technology Specialist/Accessibility (WAI/W3C)

Received on Thursday, 20 February 2020 14:31:01 UTC