Fwd: PING @ IETF 92 - change of room

And by popular request, the IRC details (for the meeting which is occurring now)

Please also join us on IRC in the #privacy room.
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Channel: #privacy

Begin forwarded message:

> Resent-From: <public-privacy@w3.org>
> From: Christine Runnegar <runnegar@isoc.org>
> Subject: Fwd: PING @ IETF 92 - change of room
> Date: 19 March 2015 6:15:15 pm GMT+1
> To: "public-privacy (W3C mailing list)" <public-privacy@w3.org>
> We’re moving a room that is a little more spacious
> The Garden Room
> Begin forwarded message:
>> Resent-From: <public-privacy@w3.org>
>> From: Christine Runnegar <runnegar@isoc.org>
>> Subject: PING @ IETF 92
>> Date: 17 March 2015 8:41:38 am GMT+1
>> To: "public-privacy (W3C mailing list)" <public-privacy@w3.org>
>> Hi all.
>> Here are the details for the PING get-together on Thursday 26 March 2015 alongside IETF 92.
>> Time: 11:30 - 13:00 local time (Dallas)
>> Location: Vista
>> Lunch: bring your own
>> Some of the items on the agenda:
>> => Brief overview of the IEEE 802 Executive Committee Privacy Recommendation Study Group and the WiFi Privacy Experiment @ IETF 92 (Juan-Carlos Zuniga)
>> => W3C TAG finding “Securing the Web” [1] and Requirements for Powerful Features [2] (Mark Nottingham)
>> => Deprecating support for insecure origins for Geolocation and Proposed Edited Recommendation Geolocation API Specification [3] (Giri Mandyam)
>> => A intro to a privacy issue/requirement from Alibaba (Kepeng Li)
>> => Ongoing PING work - privacy guidance, reviews, etc.
>> [1] http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/web-https
>> [2] http://www.w3.org/TR/powerful-features/
>> [3] http://www.w3.org/2008/geolocation/PER-geolocation-API/ 
>> Please feel free to suggest agenda items.
>> ** We won’t have formal remote participation tools (other than IRC), but if you would like to join remotely, we can try Skype/Webex/Zoom. 
>> Just let us know (off list) by 24 March 2015 if you would like to join remotely.
>> Christine and Tara

Received on Thursday, 26 March 2015 16:42:09 UTC