PING Kick-off call - Thursday 19 April - UTC 14

Dear all.

Thank you for indicating your availability by completing the Doodle poll. The best time and date seems to be Thursday 19 April 2012 at UTC 14. If you are unable to join us, please feel free to circulate your ideas on this email list prior to the call. Minutes will also be available after the call.

Links and instructions for the call will follow.

Here is the draft agenda for the call. We welcome suggestions for additional items.


1. Short introductions
* from the chairs and the participants

2. Goals for the group
* discuss the charter and how we might approach those goals

3. Particular documents/issues for review
* Robin Berjon's draft on privacy in APIs
* others?

4. Dependencies and Liaisons (W3C groups and external groups)
* see Charter plus Technical Architecture Group (TAG)
* Cryptography WG
* others?

5. Next steps
* Future calls
* Tracker
* Documents to draft?

6. AOB

Christine and Tara

Received on Friday, 13 April 2012 06:06:52 UTC