If you could add or change one thing in LatinReq, what would it be?

"Requirements for Latin Text Layout and Pagination" (LatinReq) [1] has
been moribund for nearly as long as this mailing list.  It is, however,
the W3C's most technology-neutral description of what's needed for
layout of Latin text.

We don't talk much (or at all) on this list anymore, but experience
suggests that people on this list are likely to have some opinions about
what's needed for proper layout of text.  It's in our name, after all.

We also don't have a stake in LatinReq -- it's not clear if anybody does
anymore anyway -- but we can have a conversation about it if we want.

Just to see if we still can converse, if you could add or change one
thing about LatinReq, what would it be?  Saying 'finish it' or 'get a
new editor' isn't going to add much to the conversation, however.  What
incremental improvement could be made?

If you do have an opinion -- more accurately, if you want to express
your opinion -- it would help if you could start a new thread or change
the subject line when you reply so that it's easy to find your topic in
the archive later.



[1] http://w3c.github.io/dpub-pagination/

Received on Thursday, 25 February 2021 17:02:27 UTC