Re: Does the Crystal Goblet apply?

On Sat, January 4, 2014 1:27 pm, Dave Pawson wrote:
> A POV - XSL-FO is too complex a language (written largely by JC which

Not exactly.  In the first WD [1] up until XSLT was split out, James Clark
was listed as editor for the Tree Construction part and Steve Deach, then
of Adobe, was listed as the editor of the Formatting Objects part.  From
the first WD in 2000 [2] onwards, there were several people listed as
'Authors and Contributors', and even I got my name on the XSL 1.0 Rec at
the 11th hour for work I did on the testing so that XSL 1.0 could get out
of CR, but by then several of the other authors and contributors were no
longer active on or had left the XSL FO subgroup.

XSL 1.1 [4] lists only one editor, Anders Berglund, then of IBM.

It is more true to say that James Clark wrote most of DSSSL [5].

> should mean something) hence users perhaps would be happy with
> something simpler / easier to understand.

Are you arguing for CSS?  If not, what?




Received on Saturday, 4 January 2014 14:17:19 UTC