Meetup at XML Prague 2014?


'Publishing' -- including 'XML and print' but not specifically XSL-FO --
is one of the topics for which the organisers are looking for in proposals
for the XML Prague 2014 pre-conference day on Friday, February 14 2014
(though the page omits to mention the actual date).

I'll be at XML Prague anyway (and so will Jirka, for obvious reasons,
though he's often busy that day).

How many people here will be at XML Prague in February?

Do we have a topic that's of interest to us and/or a wider group?

 - State of XML formatting/formatters?

 - Update on current W3C activities?

 - Hackathon?

Deadline for proposals is 6 January.



Received on Thursday, 26 December 2013 17:55:55 UTC