Re: Is the group about "Print and Page Layout" or about XSL-FO ?

On Thu, March 8, 2012 7:00 pm, Innovimax SARL wrote:
> I'm trying to gather people interested into Paginated Layout and hence
> we'll see how things come

Count me in.  IMO there are probably few people who use XSL-FO who don't
also use CSS, though the reverse is not true.  There's also CSS specs in
the works that deal more with paginated layout, there's CSS formatters,
there's translators between CSS and XSL-FO, and there's formatters that
handle both CSS and XSL-FO.

However, I think that if this CG had been proposed as being both for
XSL-FO and CSS it would have fallen between two stools and gotten less
uptake than it has.  I'm not opposed to changing the writing on our barn
wall over time, however.

> I thing that trying to ignore the work done by CSS is a huge mistake (the
> same W3C has already done with XHTML2 and WhatWG), whether we think the
> work done is good/finished/usable etc.

I agree.

> So finding the good fit of each of the different attempt to solve the
> Print
> and Page Layout is a good start and seems the natural fit for a Community
> Group in order to find the "next step"

One possible role for the CG would be to crowd-source a review of the CSS
specs and look for commonality/conflict with XSL-FO and its requirements.



Received on Thursday, 8 March 2012 19:30:30 UTC