- From: Phil Archer <parcher@fosi.org>
- Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2008 13:56:26 +0100
- To: Public POWDER <public-powderwg@w3.org>
Mainly for Diana and Kai's benefit, when I was loading up our comments tracker the other day, I also jotted down some notes on the comments received on the Primer. We will need to update this doc soon - if only we had more hours in the day. Notes and links follow ====================== Simon Raboczi (18/8) http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-powderwg/2008Aug/0007.html At the end of section 5 of the POWDER Primer draft, you have the following RDFa example: <html xmlns:wdrs="http://www.w3.org/2007/05/powder-s#"> <head> <title>The English Civil War </title> </head> <body> .... <div> <link rel="wdrs:describedBy" href="http://education.example.org/powder.rdf#DR_1" /> <p>Charles I came to the throne believing in his Divine Right to rule... </div> .... </body> </html> I'm pretty sure <link> elements can only appear in the <head>, not in the <body> as is done here. Perhaps this was intended to be an <a> tag instead? ============================ Rotan Hanrahan (on behalf of UWA) Comments received on member list on 28/8. Answered by me on public list and both KRS & KDS on member list on same day. 1) According to the POWDER primer, certification of DRs is indicated in order to elevate trust in descriptions. Who is proposed to provide/manage such certifications? Would this be the current SSL cert providers, for example? 2) If so, who says that these providers are qualified to assess/create descriptions? 3) Or is the issue of the environment in which certification is managed considered out of scope for the POWDER WG? 4) The question was raised internally within my company when someone observed that this might be the creation of another "money making scheme", as some people believe the SSL cert providers have been given a license to print money. Following the replies, Rotan wrote: The absence of an authority could be the difference between consumer acceptance and consumer rejection. Those who have already created a sense of authority (such as existing SSL cert providers) will be in a better position to establish authority for DR certification, regardless of their competence to actually assess the described resources. Yes, this "bigger picture" is probably out of scope for the WG. No doubt others have been thinking about it. Fabien Gandon, See My mail 1/9 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-powderwg/2008Sep/0001.html Reading he primer I saw what may be a typo: in the following paragraph you mention twice "three ways of providing description" but you list only two. "The final key element of a Description Resource is the actual description. There are *three *ways of providing this. * As RDF (in a "descriptor set") * As one or more tags (in a "tag set") A DR must contain at least one of these *three *and may contain any greater number of them, none of which may be empty." Questions from UWA more formally posed via KRS on member list 4/9 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-powderwg/2008Sep/0003.html 1- is there a normative way by which a human can get a 'plain English' explanation of a full POWDER document? We've talked about transforming to HTML using XSLT, but it's not clear (to me) whether the processor would offer such a service. Or do we simply provide a boilerplate (English language) XSLT that may be subsequently applied to a powder.xml file to get such an explanation? I would suggest that we offer a boilerplate XSLT for starters, or even a Web form that accepts the URL of a powder.xml as input and returns an explanation of the contents. 2- Rotan asked whether we have approached internet security experts regarding the possibility of loopholes in the powder certification/authentication part. Whilst I know these have been built into the spec (including using POWDER to certify DRs, and the use of sha1sums) I couldn't recall who was involved in that specification. Rotan mentioned Dr. Phillip Hallam-Baker of Verisign as a contact in this area. 3- The current issuedby/@ src points to a URI which may refer to a dc:creator or foaf:agent when transformed into POWDER-S. Is there any flexibility in this; for example can Open ID be used as an attribution source? 4- POWDER makes use of vocabularies to provide context to, and a reference for, descriptions: however there is no current registry of which vocabularies are available for an author to use. In our examples we mention WCAG, ICRA and Mobile OK; but how would an author aim to achieve interoperability (and hence the widest reach) by providing other descriptions in a well-understood vocabulary? If a registry of such vocabularies were to be created, would it have any relationship with the UWA DC Ontology (http://www.w3.org/TR/dcontology/) (either in terms of technical specification or working practice)? Mail includes draft comments from KRS, follow up from me and AP on 12/9
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