POWDER Primer, <link> in §5 RDFa example

At the end of section 5 of the POWDER Primer draft,  you have the  
following RDFa example:

<html xmlns:wdrs="http://www.w3.org/2007/05/powder-s#">
     <title>The English Civil War


  <link rel="wdrs:describedBy" href="http://education.example.org/powder.rdf#DR_1 
" />
    <p>Charles I came to the throne believing in his Divine Right to


I'm pretty sure <link> elements can only appear in the <head>, not in  
the <body> as is done here.  Perhaps this was intended to be an <a>  
tag instead?

Received on Thursday, 21 August 2008 02:15:49 UTC