mapsTo cf. ref cf. rdfs:seeAlso

Following on from Monday's discussion about the correct attribute for 
the Tagset (sorry, tagset :-))

We ended up saying that we would define wdr:ref to mean that the 
referenced resource may provide further definition of what the tag(s) 
mean. I wonder whether we should use the (well established) rdfs:seeAlso 
predicate for this? So we'd have something like

<tagset rdfs:seeAlso="">

The definition [1] of rdfs:seeAlso says:

"A triple of the form:

S rdfs:seeAlso O

states that the resource O may provide additional information about S. 
It may be possible to retrieve representations of O from the Web, but 
this is not required. When such representations may be retrieved, no 
constraints are placed on the format of those representations."




Received on Wednesday, 5 March 2008 11:59:43 UTC