Re: PROPOSED RESOLUTION of attribution (again!) (Was Re: wdrs:issuedby fc. foaf:maker and dcterms:creator)

Right... clearly we'll need to discuss this a little on the call shortly 
but my suggestion at this point is that we:

a) decide on our best guess
b) flag the issue in the document status (right near where it says 'Last 
Call') and being one we are particularly keen to hear about.

IMO it doesn't matter that you can't infer issuedby from maker or 
creator. And I guess someone _could_ use all three in a POWDER-S doc - 
it wouldn't do us any harm I don't think. But we can use the schema to 
say that you MUST use <issuedby> and we can say that our transform turns 
this into wdrs:issuedby and that you have either a foaf:Agent or a 
dcterms:Agent class at the end of it. WE also say that if you use a 
different transform and create a POWDER-S doc that is semantically 
equivalent, that's OK, and you can write a POWDER-S doc directly - OK, 
so people will do odd things, but the POWDER to POWDER-S route seems 
clear enough?

Expect a new version of the DR doc within the hour and we'll run through 
the changes made as a result of the f2f on the call.


Andrea Perego wrote:
> Phil Archer wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> In such a case, you cannot use dcterms:creator or foaf:maker alone in 
>>> a POWDER-S doc.
>> That's OK, we don't necessarily want to be able to do that.
> But what we want is to say: "wdrs:issuedby is the "correct" property to
> be used to denote a DR author; however, if you're writing your POWDER-S
> doc you can use foaf:maker or dcterms:creator instead of it."
> Is this correct?
>> [snip]
>> Did you mean to change the Agent classes to wdrs:Agent? Surely we're 
>> not preventing the use of FOAF and DC as they are both intended? A 
>> POWDER-S doc is just a bit of RDF/OWL. If making wdrs:issuedby a sub 
>> property of the other somehow disables them then we certainly mustn't 
>> do it!!
> No, I don't, and we're not disabling this. Sorry if I was unclear.
> What I was saying is that, by writing
> <owl:Ontology rdf:about="">
>   <foaf:maker>
>     <foaf:Agent>
>       ...
>     </foaf:Agent>
>   </foaf:maker>
> </owl:Ontology>
> or
> <owl:Ontology rdf:about="">
>   <dcterms:creator>
>     <dcterms:Agent>
>       ...
>     </dcterms:Agent>
>   </dcterms:creator>
> </owl:Ontology>
> an RDF/OWL reasoner won't infer
> <owl:Ontology rdf:about="">
>   <wdrs:issuedby>
>     <foaf:Agent>
>       ...
>     </foaf:Agent>
>   </wdrs:issuedby>
> </owl:Ontology>
> or, respectively,
> <owl:Ontology rdf:about="">
>   <wdrs:issuedby>
>     <dcterms:Agent>
>       ...
>     </dcterms:Agent>
>   </wdrs:issuedby>
> </owl:Ontology>
> This means that, if a DR author uses just dcterms:creator or foaf:maker,
> or even both, wdrs:issuedby is not implied. In other words, defining
> wdrs:issuedby as a subproperty of foaf:maker and dcterms:creator does
> not allow us to state that they can use only one of them instead of
> wdrs:issuedby.
>> [snip]
>> We don't need to do without it. What we must do is to allow people to 
>> use either FOAF or DC but not anything else.
> What I meant is that you cannot replace wdrs:issuedby with foaf:maker or
> dcterms:issued, as explained above.
>> [snip]
>> I take the points about option 2 but option 1 seems to have what we 
>> want and to have clear semantics that we can define (unless, as I say, 
>> we're disabling FOAF and DC by doing that). If we get a load of 
>> comments at LC saying that we've messed around with FOAF and DC too 
>> much, OK, we'll revisit this but I'm rather keen to put this to bed.
> That's fine to me too, at least for the moment. This issue needs further
> discussion and feedback.
> Andrea

Received on Monday, 21 July 2008 14:02:38 UTC