- From: Phil Archer <parcher@icra.org>
- Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2008 14:06:45 +0100
- To: Public POWDER <public-powderwg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <486B7D65.8010107@icra.org>
Bcc. Quatro Plus consortium After a good deal of going back and forth, I'm pleased to be able to post this to the list - it's the Euracert accessibility vocabulary. Lots of names here but the basic thing is that Alan's created this on behalf of Technosite using the UWEM methodology [1] of testing against the W3C WCAG guidelines! The vocabulary is quite long but pretty straightforward. For each WCAG (1.0) checkpoint there's a testing method, defined by UWEM at [2]. Hence the vocabulary defines a load of properties with a name of the form cpx.y_compliance. These carry an rdfs:isdefinedBy property linking to [2] and an rdfs:seeAlso property pointing to the WGAG checkpoint from which the test is derived. But... the more usual way of describing a web site or other bunch of resources as being accessible is using the A, AA and AAA levels and these are defined as OWL classes, each with a series of property restrictions - i.e. the list of checkpoints that must have been passed to reach that level. AAA is a sub class of AA which is a subclass of A. The vocabulary also includes a load of metadata. Using the vocabulary as Technosite/Euracert and, (I think/hope) Segala, will, creates a DR like this: <dr> <iriset> <includehosts>example.com</includehosts> </iriset> <descriptorset> <is>http://www.euracert.org/rdfs/vocabularyv01#uwem10_A</is> <displaytext>The www.aena.es webiste conforms to Euracert AA</displaytext> <displayicon src="http://www.euracert.org/images/euracert_logoAA.gif" /> </descriptorset> </dr> The attached powder.xml file shows how a full POWDER document would look. I believe Alan will have the vocabulary (and the Technosite FOAF file) online soon. Note that this example uses the <is> element within the descriptorset which is under active discussion within the working group. An alternative encoding would be <descriptorset is="http://www.euracert.org/rdfs/vocabularyv01#uwem10_A"> <displaytext>The www.aena.es webiste conforms to Euracert AA</displaytext> <displayicon src="http://www.euracert.org/images/euracert_logoAA.gif" /> </descriptorset> Either way, in POWDER-S the IRI set would be a sub class of http://www.euracert.org/rdfs/vocabularyv01#uwem10_A. Whichever we end up using will also apply to mobileOK. Cheers Phil. [1] http://www.wabcluster.org/uwem1/ [2] http://www.wabcluster.org/uwem/tests/
- text/xml attachment: powder.xml
- text/xml attachment: technosite_vocab_v09.xml
Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2008 13:07:36 UTC