Re: POWDER tags use case rewritten and rdf:type requirement

Hi Kjetil
> On Friday 22 June 2007 11:52, Antoine Isaac wrote:
>> Be careful, *there is no skos:it at the moment in SKOS*! [1]
>> I would just recommend you to use your own property
> OK, I wonder if it would be a good idea for POWDER creating a property 
> for this?
> I think we need (in pig RDF):
> { wdr:Description rdfs:subClassof rdf:Description . }
> { wdr:conceptmeans [ rdfs:range skos:Concept . 
>                                    rdfs:domain wdr:Description ] }
> Or something like that...
I think it wouldn't be a good idea for the subClassOf link. I'm not an 
expert in RDF, but I think rdf:Description was intended as a very 
specific, syntax-oriented construct and not a conceptual entity:, section 3.1 describing the RDF vocabulary

Otherwise I think that it is wiser to create your own property. Be 
careful however with the direction of your conceptmeans property, as 
specified by domain/range: does it go 'from' a description 'to' a 
concept? I dont mind, it's your vocabulary ;-) but it's just that the 
skos:it you mentioned goes from a concept to something else, I think.



Received on Monday, 25 June 2007 10:43:09 UTC