question concerning UCR

I have read

and found it a clear and easy to follow document.

I have one question, concerning 3.1.10

DRs, their components and individual assertions should have unique and 
unambiguous identifiers.

I found that the use cases did motivate the weaker requirement
DRs should have unique and unambiguous identifiers.

but I wondered how much would be lost if "components and individual 
assertions" did not have "unique and unambiguous identifiers".

I note that in a way this requirement interacts with 3.1.3 Groupng, and 
3.1.4 Composite Assertions, in that if I assert that some group of 
resources has some composite property, I have implicitly asserted that a 
particular resource has a particular property, but that implicit 
assertion is unlikely to have identity in the sense of 3.1.10; and some 
functionality will be lost - but I doubt this was crucial functionality.


Received on Thursday, 13 December 2007 19:18:01 UTC