Open Issues: DR scope

I would like again to ask for feedback about an issue which must be
urgently solved, that is, how the scope of a DR is defined.

The current solution is the following:

1  <owl:Class rdf:ID="ResourceOnExampleDotOrg">
2    <owl:equivalentClass>
3      <owl:Class>
4        <rdfs:subClassOf>
5          <owl:Restriction>
6            <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&wdr;includeHost" />
7            <owl:hasValue></owl:hasValue>
8          </owl:Restriction>
9        </rdfs:subClassOf>
10     </owl:Class>
11   </owl:equivalentClass>
12 </owl:Class>

which literally means "all the resources having a URI host component
ending with" (i.e., "all the resources hosted by

So, the question is: does anybody agree that this the correct way to
define a DR scope? If it isn't, which are the alternative solutions?


Received on Wednesday, 5 December 2007 08:31:08 UTC