Re: POI Core Strawman: ISSUE-26: How do we represent times?

Matt Womer wrote
 >It was said that time should be optional, I had tried to indicate that 
it is by saying "can have one or more",
 >which was meant to imply "has zero or more". I've changed the text to 
say "MAY have one or more".
 >As for representing the time itself, I've pulled in info from XML 
Schema Datatypes, but that only gives us
 >some primitives to play with, not how we're going to put them together.

One option for the xsd:dateTime and xsd:date type is to allow either 
type in cases where you have date and optional time.
They're lexically distinct, so this works for XSD structures or for RNC 
structures describing XML, and for JSON, etc.


So the latter indicates a date without a time (precision).

Similarly, if you want to allow dateTime or time (and default the date 
via context) it's also lexically distinct.


Received on Thursday, 12 May 2011 05:33:44 UTC