POI Core Strawman: ISSUE-19: How should we represent points?

Hi Raj,

You wrote:
> <route>
> 	<point order="0" latitude="42.360890561289295" longitude="-71.09139204025269"/>
> 	<point order="1" latitude="42.361176" longitude="-71.09018"/>
> 	<point order="2" latitude="42.36272976137689" longitude="-71.09049081802368"/>
> 	<point order="3" latitude="42.36318955298668" longitude="-71.09677791595459"/>
> 	<point order="4" latitude="42.363617631805496" longitude="-71.10156297683716"/>
> </route>
> TO:
> <gml:LineString>
> 	<gml:posList>
> 		42.360890561289295 -71.09139204025269 42.361176 -71.09018 42.36272976137689 -71.09049081802368 ...
> 	</gml:posList>
> </gml:LineString>

This example could be a solution to ISSUE-36 [1], but it also brings up another issue:

How do we want to represent coordinates?  Tag with explicit attributes?  Tags for each dimension?  One tag with a string of ordered digits?

This is tracked as ISSUE-19 [2].



[2] http://www.w3.org/2010/POI/track/issues/19

Received on Thursday, 12 May 2011 00:48:33 UTC