Re: POI WG charter status

Wait, its Point of Interest? Not Pattern of Interest?

On 10 September 2010 02:04, Rob Manson <> wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> I'm fascinated to see how cut-down the charter now is, especially based
> on the public discussion and apparent consensus that had been forming on
> this list.
> Personally I find it hard to see how a solely Point of Interest standard
> based on the thinnest definition will be anything but very out dated and
> redundant by Dec 2011 (scheduled date for REC).
> Also, since so many people will be in Seoul for ISMAR10, ISWC, Mobile AR
> Summit and the AR Standards Workshop then surely that would be a great
> time to kick off this discussion in more detail.
> roBman
> On Wed, 2010-09-08 at 13:12 -0400, Braun, Andrew wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> First off an introduction, I am Andy Braun from Sony Ericsson. I have
>> been tagged to chair this POI working group. In addition to this
>> group, my responsibilities in Sony Ericsson include researching
>> emerging web and application technologies for the office of the CTO.
>> I hope those of you who are Advisory Committee representatives have
>> already seen that a Points of Interest WG charter [1] has been
>> submitted for review. The charter details three main deliverables: a
>> "Points of Interest" Recommendation, a WG Note detailing AR specific
>> POI properties, and another note that covers how AR and Web standards
>> can converge.  There are other potentially separate deliverables, such
>> as best practices, use cases/requirements, a 'landscape' document,
>> test suite, etc.
>> The review period ends on the 24th of September, so please be sure
>> that you or your AC rep fill in the survey [2] as soon as possible.
>>  If you haven't joined W3C yet, now is the time.  Once the review
>> ends, there is a two week period where W3C management reviews the
>> results and creates the new WG.  So, the WG should be ready to go the
>> week of 11 October.  While we could have our first teleconference
>> during the week of 11 October, many of the group’s participants will
>> likely be at ISMAR that week. So I recommend we have our call during
>> the week of 18 October.  Before then, I'll send out a poll for
>> selecting the time and date. I'll follow up with an agenda about a
>> week or so before the meeting.
>> With regards to the first face to face meeting, we did talk about
>> meeting at TPAC in Lyon during November. However, for a number of
>> reasons which I am happy to discuss, this will not be possible. I
>> would like to meet face to face this year. With holidays approaching I
>> believe the best chance would be during the first week or second week
>> of December.  I will provide more details about the site and logistics
>> in a future note.
>> I look forward to a continued interesting and fruitful discussion.
>> Thanks,
>> Andy Braun
>> [1]
>> [2]

Received on Friday, 10 September 2010 00:11:35 UTC