No call 12 May 2015

Hi All,

I received a couple of private `advanced regrets` for a call on May 12 
so there won't be one that day.

Other than the open Issues [1], based on a very quick scan of the 
archive and repo, it appears the following threads haven't yet reached 

* /Hover click with pointer events/; Timothy Dresser on April 22; 

* /Non-scroll-blocking wheel events listeners / relationship to PEWG?/; 
thread continued by Rick on April 22; 

* /Expected behavior when releasing a button after pointer capture/; 
Scott on April 27; 
Appears a concrete proposal (PR) would be useful.

* /Capture semantics for a node that moves between documents/; Rick on 
April 30; 
Scott cited text that appears to address Rick's question so not clear if 
this is a NOP or if some additional text would be helpful.

* /Correcting inverted pan direction definition/; Rick on May 8; 
Please review Rick's proposed text and reply to the thread.

Please continue discussions on the list (by Reply-ing to the existing 
thread) and/or the open Issues.

-Thanks, ArtB


Received on Monday, 11 May 2015 18:27:36 UTC