non-normative examples for event sequences (and diagrams?)

Just to get an early feel for this, one of my early proposals before 
joining the WG was to have some form of non-normative examples that 
clarify the *sequence* that events are fired (as that's what my own 
testing has focused on so far). Looking initially at 11.2 (compat mouse 
events for non-hover devices), the gist of what I'd like the spec to get 
across is this (which is, of course, contained in the algorithm steps, 
but may not be immediately graspable)

"Example 9: sequence of events resulting from tapping an element on a 

mousemove > pointerover > mouseover > mouseenter > pointerdown > 
mousedown > gotpointercapture > (focus, if the focus was previously on 
another element) > pointerup > mouseup > lostpointercapture > pointerout 
 > mouseout > mouseleave > (focus, if no other element previously had 
focus) > click

Example 10: sequence of events resulting from tapping an element on a 
touchscreen, when pointerdown is cancelled

mousemove > pointerover > mouseover > mouseenter > pointerdown > 
gotpointercapture > (focus, if the focus was previously on another 
element) > pointerup > lostpointercapture > pointerout > (focus, if no 
other element previously had focus) > click"

(I've included focus in these sequences, though that will depend in part 
on discussion around my proposed idea to include focus/blur information) 

Of course, these sorts of examples could also be extended further for 
mouse compat on hover-capable devices, and perhaps even outside for the 
mouse compat section, perhaps as a new part of 5.2?

And although having the sequence written out as text, I also wonder if 
it's worth doing something a bit more...visually interesting (though of 
course with adequate accessible fallback). I quite like Apple's diagrams 
for event handling in iOS/Safari ... perhaps a good starting point. [2]

So, my question I guess is: does the group think sprinkling these sorts 
of event sequence examples (and diagrams) not just in the mouse compat 
section, but also in 5.2, with a few variations, would be worthwhile? I 
can make a stab at the actual diagram creation.


Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Monday, 10 February 2014 22:32:23 UTC