touch-action support now in chromium behind flag, targeting ship in Chrome 35

For people not on the WG conference call, I just wanted to repeat that I've
turned on support for touch-action in chromium behind the
chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features flag.  You can
play with it in current Chrome Canary builds on Windows [1], or on Android
once Chrome Beta hit's M-34 (or I'm happy to supply custom Android
content-shell builds if anyone doesn't want to wait).

There are still some outstanding issues, but it's functionally complete and
ready for experimentation.  Eg. the Polymer PointerEvents polyfill will
make use of it.  My plan is to tie up all the outstanding issues and get it
enabled by default in time for Chrome M-35 (which branches for release at
the end of March [2]).  You can follow along in Chromium bug 241964 [3] and
the bugs it's blocked on.



Received on Tuesday, 7 January 2014 19:55:40 UTC