Draft agenda: 22 October 2013 call

Below is the draft agenda for a PEWG call on October 22. If you have 
input for any of the topics in the agenda (especially if you can't make 
the call), please send your info to the list.

-Thanks, ArtB

= Agenda

1. Tweak agenda; determine scribe

2. CR implementation updates

3. Review status of PR-324; thread 
PR324 <https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/324>

4. maxTouchPoints on platforms that have less granular information; Rick 
Byers 10-Oct-2013

5. Queries on pointer events with respect to multi-pointer(touch) 
events; Vivek Galatage 11-Oct-2013

6. Apparent inconsistency between W3C Pointer Event spec and EMMA 1.1 
spec; Steve Hickman 30-Sep-2013

7. AoB

= Logistics

* Time: UTC: 15:00; Paris: 17:00; Helsinki: 18:00; Boston: 11:00; San 
Francisco: 08:00; Tokyo: 12:00 (midnight); Duration = 60 minutes maximum
* Phone Numbers: W3C's Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200; PIN = 7394# 
(PEWG#); SIP information <http://www.w3.org/2006/tools/wiki/Zakim-SIP>
* IRC: irc://irc.w3.org/ ; channel #pointerevents
* Meetings page: <http://www.w3.org/wiki/PointerEvents/Meetings> 
(includes "tips" on IRC, scribing, etc.)

= Documents and Resources:

* List Archive: 
* Minutes wiki: <http://www.w3.org/wiki/PointerEvents/Minutes>
* Test repo: 

Received on Monday, 21 October 2013 13:55:51 UTC