RE: Developers confuse the original MS PE submission for the current spec

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 7:23 AM, Rick Byers <> wrote:
> Both Bing and Google search for "pointer events specification" return the old submission ( higher than any version of the actual specification (eg.
> I've seen this cause confusion multiple times (people looking at the submission thinking it's the current spec and raising issues with it).  Can we perhaps change the title and/or add a note to the top of the submission to point to the current specification?

I support this. I've seen occasional issues from this.  I don't have access to update this document. Doug, can you help?  My suggestion would be to:

-Update "Latest published version" to point to
-Add a sentence to the first paragraph the SoTD section that says "The latest published version of this document, which incorporates feedback from the Pointer Events Working Group, can be found <link>here</link>."

Received on Thursday, 25 April 2013 23:26:05 UTC