RE: Draft Agenda: 11 December 2012

Hey folks,

Here's my suggested order of bugs to go through tomorrow. I've shifted a few things around just for the sake of prioritizing some of the ones we can more easily get through. I expect we probably will get through 4 or 5 of these perhaps.

20219	Make pointerType a string instead of an enum?
20281	Contact geometry should be in CSS pixels not device pixels
20311	Clarify touch-action is only looked at during pointerdown 
20107	Pointer events should indicate stylus eraser/inversion
20220	hwTimestamp should be interoperable with the high resolution time spec
20221	Define mechanism for creating PointerEvent instances
20236 button value -1 isn't possible
20217	Expand touch-action property to include more of the values implemented by IE?
20222	Pointer events explicitly disallow compatbility with hover menus used by many web sites
20218	Extend pointer events to support raw trackpad data


-----Original Message-----
From: Arthur Barstow [] 
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 5:53 AM
Subject: Draft Agenda: 11 December 2012

Below is the draft agenda for our call on 11 December.

Discussion on the spec bugs in advance of the meeting is encouraged.

I will not be able to join the call so Doug will be the Chair.


Minutes: <>

= Draft Agenda

1. Getting started

a. Determine scribe
b. Tweak Agenda

2. Pointer Events Bugs; Jacob to lead discussion <>

3. Any other Business

= Logistics


* Time: UTC: 15:00; Helsinki: 18:00; Paris: 17:00; Boston: 11:00; San
Francisco: 08:00; Tokyo: Midnight (Tue-Wed)

* Phone Numbers: W3C's Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200; PIN = 7394# (PEWG#); SIP information <>

* IRC: irc:// ; channel #pointerevents

Received on Tuesday, 11 December 2012 02:48:17 UTC