- From: Michael Steidl \(IPTC\) <mdirector@iptc.org>
- Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2017 08:46:56 +0200
- To: "'Renato Iannella'" <renato.iannella@monegraph.com>, "'POE Public'" <public-poe-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <00d401d338ee$be0f1df0$3a2d59d0$@iptc.org>
Renato, I’ve modified the sheet: * Test Case ID as column B * Changed the heading of column C * New column D: CR Exit Criteria ID. And I started to add IDs to test the layout – it is NOT complete! But I noticed that a/ a Test Case can correspond to multiple Exit Criteria and b/ in this case the full IDs like CR-IM-08 are too long. Therefore I suggest to use only “-08” * The headings of columns D, E and F have a link to the corresponding Test Regime page And you can edit the sheet, Renato. Open question: should the sorting be changed? I feel the current sorting helps an implementer as the list is segmented into the evaluation of examples and the validation actions of normalizing and executing a validation. Best, Michael From: Renato Iannella [mailto:renato.iannella@monegraph.com] Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 5:15 AM To: POE Public <public-poe-wg@w3.org> Subject: Re: Updated Implementation Report input sheet On 28 Sep 2017, at 21:14, Michael Steidl (IPTC) <mdirector@iptc.org <mailto:mdirector@iptc.org> > wrote: Workaround: we create an “outsourced” Feature List page in the context of the Test Regime and this list has an id for each feature. Finally: who maps the Validation items and the IM examples (of the Evaluator page) to the Features? Michael, I have created the list of id-ed Exit Criteria: https://github.com/w3c/poe/blob/gh-pages/test/cr-exit.md (and now linked from https://github.com/w3c/poe/blob/gh-pages/test/test-regime.md) Can we add a new column (“CR Feature ID”) to the spreadsheet to add the link from the test case to the CR id? (and let me have edit rights to this new column ;-) Also, perhaps rename column B from “Feature” to “Test Case Name” and move Column C before B with the name “Test Case ID" Renato Iannella, Monegraph Co-Chair, W3C Permissions & Obligations Expression (POE) Working Group
Received on Friday, 29 September 2017 06:47:30 UTC