Re: Action Definitions

> A wide review [1] has suggested that our definitions for Actions have
> “many problems” in that they include both the party roles
> (assigner/assignee) and the rule (permission or prohibition) and will
> be in conflict for any Policy other than an Agreement.
> So, “print” currently defined as: "The Assigner permits/prohibits
> the Assignees to print an Asset onto paper or to create a hard copy”
> should be more succinctly defined as “Render Asset onto paper to
> create a hard copy”.
> The roles and perms/prohibit are provided by the context of the Rule
> the action appears in.

+1, also related [1]

> (The definitions also don’t work with Duties if we consider that any
> Action can be used for all 3 Rule subclasses)

that is (was?) not true though, right?
IIRC, duties have (and can only use) their own set of actions [2] which 
is disjoint from the set of actions for perm/proh [3].

> I aslo agree with this position and would propose that all definitions
> for all Actions remove the contextual roles/rules information.

for [3] -> yes!
for [2] -> hmm.. not sure.. I think that needs some more discussion

br simon


DDipl.-Ing. Simon Steyskal
Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna

www:  twitter: @simonsteys

Am 2017-05-30 05:59, schrieb Renato Iannella:
> A wide review [1] has suggested that our definitions for Actions have
> “many problems” in that they include both the party roles
> (assigner/assignee) and the rule (permission or prohibition) and will
> be in conflict for any Policy other than an Agreement.
> So, “print” currently defined as: "The Assigner permits/prohibits
> the Assignees to print an Asset onto paper or to create a hard copy”
> should be more succinctly defined as “Render Asset onto paper to
> create a hard copy”.
> The roles and perms/prohibit are provided by the context of the Rule
> the action appears in.
> (The definitions also don’t work with Duties if we consider that any
> Action can be used for all 3 Rule subclasses)
> I aslo agree with this position and would propose that all definitions
> for all Actions remove the contextual roles/rules information.
> Any objections?
> Renato
> [1]

Received on Tuesday, 30 May 2017 05:01:26 UTC