- From: Phil Archer <phila@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2017 13:36:36 +0000
- To: POE WG <public-poe-wg@w3.org>
The minutes of today's meeting are at https://www.w3.org/2017/01/09-poe-minutes with a text snapshot below. We got through several issues today - a good meeting. Thanks to Michael for scribing (again). Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference 09 Jan 2017 [2]Agenda [2] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20170109 See also: [3]IRC log [3] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/09-poe-irc Attendees Present Serena, renato, michaelS, benws, phila, Sabrina, simonstey, James, smyles, victor Regrets Chair Renato Scribe michaelS Contents * [4]Topics 1. [5]approve last meeting minutes 2. [6]issues needing a WG Decision 3. [7]issue #48 * [8]Summary of Action Items * [9]Summary of Resolutions __________________________________________________________ <scribe> scribe: michaelS <scribe> scribenick: michaelS approve last meeting minutes <renato> [10]https://www.w3.org/2016/12/12-poe-minutes.html [10] https://www.w3.org/2016/12/12-poe-minutes.html <Serena> +1 renato: any updates or comments? +1 RESOLUTION: Minutes of 12/12/16 approved scribe: hearing not comments RESOLUTION: minutes accepted issues needing a WG Decision <renato> [11]https://github.com/w3c/poe/labels/Needs%20WG%20Decision [11] https://github.com/w3c/poe/labels/Needs WG Decision <phila> [12]Issue 84 [12] https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/84 <renato> [13]https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/84 [13] https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/84 First issue #84 [14]https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/84 [14] https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/84 renato: outlined the change: creating a new explicit leftOperand property taking the name of the constraint ... this makes the structure quite clear phila: seems clear. does this solve the relative times use case? renato: sorry, but it doesn't benws: is that a kind of ontoloy housekeeping renato: the current way of expressing is not wrong but not easy to follow. The change makes things clearer phila: Worries about the relationship "constraint" leading to "Constraint" - he is not perfect as some langauges has not upper/lower case script renato: "has constraint" is the human readable label <renato> [15]http://w3c.github.io/poe/vocab/#term-constraint [15] http://w3c.github.io/poe/vocab/#term-constraint phila: agrees to this workaround but would be happier about an explicit property id benws: having 2 URIs for the same property? phila: yes renato: not happy about having two properties for the same use phila: would deprecate "constraint" and create "hasConstraint" <simonstey> +q <Zakim> phila, you wanted to go on about i18n simonstey: didn't we have the same discussion about other properties? Does not like having "has..." and "..." properties renato: after the Lisbon meeting some properties got a "has" prefixed to the label ... any objections to the proposal of #84? ... hearing none concluded that is agreed <renato> [16]https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/82 [16] https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/82 renato: issue 82 ... outlined the change: this proposal allows to have a party or asset also at the Policy level, both apply to any rule of this policy be benws: what if party/asset exist at the Policy and the Rule level renato: this would be an invalid use benws: multiple uses would be useful renato: a mix of parties and assets not of help smyles: is this a change to the information model renato: it is a change to the model but not a significant one smyles: is this only a change of the syntax only benws: not a change, improves the precision <simonstey> Party: the Permission MAY refer to one or more Party entities linked via the Role entity (OPTIONAL) simonstey: doesn't see the need for making a policy wiht party/asset at Policy and Rule level invalid ... if we stick to that we need to reword the specification James: we opted for having a flexible set of permissions/prohibitions michaelS: having party/asset at both levels would make users using both - not reading the free-text specs phila: would it reduce the problme to use an explicit "inherit" in Rules indicating that the value of the Policy level should be used <James> +1 <Serena> +1 benws: I like the feature, in 99% of the cases only the policy level would be used. We should decide either "union" or "overwrite" <Serena> +1 for overwriting renato: Option 1: a party/asset in a Rule overwrites party/asset of the Policy level phila: the information model should include a test including this feature <simonstey> fwiw, [17]https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Requirements#POE.R.R_Proce ssing_Rules [17] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Requirements#POE.R.R_Processing_Rules <simonstey> +q Sabrina: pointed at the conflict resolution of ODRL. The more generic should take precedence over more specific simonstey: this conflict resolution does not define (yet) anything for assets and parties, this needs to be explicitly added ... we should think of the use case of having party/asset in a parent policy, how are they inherited in a child policy? renato: agreed that this feature of policy inheritance was not reviewed yet ... current options: keep it as it is or adding party/asset to the policy level with an "overwrite" rule <simonstey> +q <Zakim> phila, you wanted to talk about [18]https://www.w3.org/TR/powder-dr/#powderprocessor as an example [18] https://www.w3.org/TR/powder-dr/#powderprocessor benws: renato and Serena shoudl have a look at the policy inheritance first phila: pointed a the Powder Processor - the work on that ended with a section of rules for making software conformant. <simonstey> The Child Policy MUST override the Parent Policy. i.e.: If the same Action appears in the Parent, then it is replaced by the Child version, otherwise the Parent Actions are added to the Child’s Actions. simonstey: pointed at overly compex rules in the context of policy inheritance - the ODRL specs should not go in this direction renato: inheritance was understood well in the ODRL 2.1 (and earlier) wordl <renato> [19]https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/73 [19] https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/73 renato: Issue #73 ... outlined the change: this change allows to have multiple actions per rule ... e.g. distributed, printed and more in the same rule <simonstey> +q renato: in fact a shortcut of many rules with only different actions benws: likes this change. ... this could speed up the processing. simonstey: felt that this could have been done already by users not reading the specs :-( <Sabrina> +q simonstey: but are a list of rules and the same combined into one semantically the same. ... in this case that must be defined explicitly. <Serena> * we should check carefully inheritance in this case too * <victor> +1 benws: Can we apply the same logic to assets = having multiple in a rule? renato: could be ... <victor> I would handle assets in the same manner, using the same logic. <Sabrina> +q benws: suggest to have a look at both renato: agreed. Sabrina: shouldn't that apply to parties too? renato: yes, but already yet multiply parties may be assigned to a single rule <renato> [20]https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/72 [20] https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/72 renato: Issue #72 ... outlined the change: return to the original approach of "odrl-vocab" <Sabrina> +1 <victor> +1 <Serena> +1 <smyles> +1 <renato> +1 <James> +1 <renato> Proposal: change vocab short name to "odrl-vocab" <simonstey> +1 <Sabrina> +1 <Serena> +1 <smyles> +1 RESOLUTION: change vocab short name to "odrl-vocab" <renato> [21]https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/48 [21] https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/48 Issue #48 issue #48 issue #48 renato: invited group members to have a look at that issue and to submit comments <simonstey> +1 <simonstey> -1 <simonstey> +q simonstey: How does this differ from constraints renato: this is not about constraints but provides information about the policy document <victor> Just to say that I would also add authorship and license itself. benws: new topic: wants to see constraints on constraints examples renato: let's put it on the agenda for the next call <James> Thanks renato: next call next week Summary of Action Items Summary of Resolutions 1. [22]Minutes of 12/12/16 approved 2. [23]minutes accepted 3. [24]change vocab short name to "odrl-vocab" [End of minutes] __________________________________________________________
Received on Monday, 9 January 2017 13:36:48 UTC