[poe] Issue: the assignee(s) of the Duty MUST satisfy the Duty. marked as CR review

iherman has just labeled an issue for https://github.com/w3c/poe as "CR review":

== the assignee(s) of the Duty MUST satisfy the Duty. ==
> A Duty MAY have **none** or one assigner and/or assignee property values (of type Party) for functional roles. (Other function sub-properties MAY be used.)
> The Duty class also has these additional requirements:
> + The **assignee** MUST have the ability to exercise the Duty Action.
> + The **assignee**(s) of the Duty MUST satisfy the Duty.

> If there are no assigner and/or assignee properties declared in the Duty, then these functional roles will be the same as those declared in the referring Permission.

1) assignee of the duty must satisfy == assignee of the duty must exercise the duty action?
2) who is considered to be the "assignee of the duty" in the following two examples -> 

  a odrl:Policy ;
  odrl:permission [
    a odrl:Permission ;
    odrl:target ex:asset_9898 ;
    odrl:action odrl:reproduce ;
    odrl:assigner ex:Alice ;
    odrl:duty [ 
      a odrl:Duty ;
      odrl:action odrl:inform ;
      odrl:informingParty ex:Bob ;
      odrl:informedParty ex:Alice ;
  ] .

  a odrl:Policy ;
  odrl:permission [
    a odrl:Permission ;
    odrl:target ex:asset_9898 ;
    odrl:action odrl:reproduce ;
    odrl:assigner ex:Alice ;
    odrl:assignee ex:Bob ;
    odrl:duty [ 
      a odrl:Duty ;
      odrl:action odrl:inform ;
      odrl:informingParty ex:Chad ;
      odrl:informedParty ex:Tom ;
  ] .


> Definition: To ensure that the Rule on the Asset is exclusive.
Note: If used as a Duty, the assignee should be explicitly indicated as the party that is ensuring the exclusivity of the Rule.


See https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/269

Received on Tuesday, 26 September 2017 10:29:38 UTC