[poe] Issue: Validation: OWL consistency marked as Model

vroddon has just labeled an issue for https://github.com/w3c/poe as "Model":

== Validation: OWL consistency ==
The spec does not mention that valid policies must be **consistent with the ODRL Ontology**.  Should it? This is illustrated by observing http://odrlapi.appspot.com/samples/sample003, reproduced here for convenience:

    a odrl:Offer, odrl:Agreement;
    dct:source "victor" ;
    odrl:permission [
        a odrl:Permission ;
        odrl:assigner <http://example.com/user:711> ;
        odrl:assignee <http://example.com/user:314> ;
        odrl:target <http://example.com/asset:9898> ;
        odrl:action odrl:reproduce
    ] .

Given that the ontology has declared some `owl:disjointWith` axioms, the joint model policy+ODRLontology is inconsistent.

I have just implemented this validation in the [ODRL Validator](http://odrlapi.appspot.com/)
However, the validation takes some 4-5 seconds extra and I will probably remove this validation in future versions. You can test it for the moment --but be patient, validations take long now.
This is the current error message:

> OWL Inconsistent. - Error ("conflict"): "Individual a member of disjoint classes"

See https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/247

Received on Tuesday, 5 September 2017 22:07:58 UTC