[poe] Issue: use of @value for refinement constraints marked as invalid

simonstey has just labeled an issue for https://github.com/w3c/poe as "invalid":

== use of @value for refinement constraints ==
I used http://www.easyrdf.org/converter to translate [Example 13](https://w3c.github.io/poe/model/#constraint-action) into turtle
    "@context": "http://www.w3.org/ns/odrl.jsonld",
    "@type": "Offer",
    "uid": "http://example.com/policy:6161",
    "profile": "http://example.com/odrl:profile:10",
    "permission": [{
       "target": "http://example.com/document:1234",
       "assigner": "http://example.com/org:616",
       "action": [{
          "@value": "print",
          "refinement": [{
             "leftOperand": "percentage",
             "operator": "lteq",
             "rightOperand": "50.0"
results in:
@prefix ns0: <http://www.w3.org/ns/odrl/2/> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

  a <http://www.w3.org/ns/odrl/2/Offer> ;
  ns0:permission [
    ns0:action "print"^^xsd:string ;
    ns0:assigner <http://example.com/org:616> ;
    ns0:target <http://example.com/document:1234>
  ] ;
  ns0:profile <http://example.com/odrl:profile:10> .

1. refinement is ignored because http://www.w3.org/ns/odrl.jsonld is not up2date
1.1. it throws an error if you replace refinement with constraint
2. print is interpreted as string because..
> **@id**
    Used to uniquely identify things that are being described in the document with IRIs or blank node identifiers. This keyword is described in section 3.3 Node Identifiers.
> **@value**
    Used to specify the data that is associated with a particular property in the graph. This keyword is described in section 4.10 String Internationalization and section 4.5 Typed Values.


=> adopt a similar approach as with asset/party constraints and replace @value with source 

See https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/241

Received on Monday, 4 September 2017 11:56:34 UTC