Re: [poe] Systematic labeling of normative vs. informative

Proposal for CR:

1. ODRL Info  Model

Mark these sections as non-normative:
3.1.1 Policy Composition
3.1.2 Policy Provenance
3.1.3 Policy Conflict Strategy
3.1.4 Undefined Actions
3.1.5 Policy Inheritance
(and move them to the end of  section "3. ODRL Information Model"

2. ODRL Vocab & Expression

Split  the current Vocabulary section into two:
"4. Core Vocabulary" (normative)
"5. CommonVocabulary" (non-normative)

Only terms in the normative IM are in the Core Vocabulary, everything else is in Common.

The section on "Vocabulary Encodings" (including rdf/turtle, xml, json-ld) are marked as non-normative

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Received on Thursday, 4 May 2017 00:36:57 UTC