[poe] Issue: What does it mean for permissions/prohibitions/duties if their constraint(s) are (un)satisfied? marked as To Be Closed

riannella has just labeled an issue for https://github.com/w3c/poe as "To Be Closed":

== What does it mean for permissions/prohibitions/duties if their constraint(s) are (un)satisfied? ==
TRACKER ISSUE-10: What does it mean for permissions/prohibitions/duties if their constraint(s) are (un)satisfied?

satisfiability of constraints

What does it mean for permissions/prohibitions/duties if their constraint(s) are (un)satisfied?

POE - Information Model
Raised by:
Simon Steyskal
Opened on:
http://w3c.github.io/poe/model/#constraint states:

"[...] If multiple Constraint entities are linked to the same Permission, Prohibition, or Duty entity, then all of the Constraint entities MUST be satisfied. That is, all the Constraint entities are (boolean) anded. [...]"

Without actually explaining the concept of "satisfying a Constraint entity".

=> How can someone "satisfy a Constraint entity"?
=> What does it mean for permissions/prohibitions/duties if their constraints are unsatisfied? 
=> Is a permission having an unsatisfied constraint equivalent to a prohibition? (and vice versa) 
=> Should a permission/prohibition having an unsatisfied constraint simply be ignored? If so, is it possible for "ignored" perm/proh to become "active" again?


See https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/112

Received on Tuesday, 8 August 2017 00:12:07 UTC